Saturday, February 6, 2010

Index.of Family Jpg Body Mass Index On Children?

Body Mass Index on children? - index.of family jpg

My younger brother (12 through 13) has a BMI of 16.67, which is classified as underweight. My whole family is very low birth weight against them, they are constantly trying to eat more and strengthen specific muscles.
BMI in younger children, this is true, that is too thin? (He is very tall for his age, 5 "2, and higher than most of his friends and has a fairly large bone structure, or weight does not seem sick)

And if the weight is not bulimic (sorry, I can not spell!) And eat more than me, including my brother, 16 years, in fact, sport and about 3 times a week, if it's low weight that much to do ?

Thank you.


Liz said...

Body Mass Index calculator to work accurately for all age groups. If your parents have the impression that it is not that a healthy weight should take his brother to a pediatrician. But first he would like to know if you are taking medication. Sometimes they can interfere with weight.

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