Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where Does Babies Phlegm Go Does Anyone Know A Natural Remedy To Break Down Phlegm In A 15month Old?

Does anyone know a natural remedy to break down phlegm in a 15month old? - where does babies phlegm go

It took 2 courses of antibiotics in the last 3 months, but apparently not by the text guaranteed. We lifted the mattress, the baby rub Vick on his chest, turn on the humidifier for it and give him a lot of hot drinks, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions would be great :-)


ckngbbbl... said...

You need to find out why. All home remedies in the world will not help you if you do not allow.
You need a second opinion, low.
It could even asthma or cystic fibrosis.
If they can aggravate asthma and Vicks humidifier. What can the dust in his room, a pet at home. Pollen summer.

chuppkay... said...

An adequate fluid intake and ad lib generous and humidifier and contact your doctor.

Minx said...

Cut right back in their milk and milk products for a week or two, and season the inclusion of fresh fruits such as pear and apple sauce to boil and the cooler fresh green vegies vegies and bright colors like the pumpkin ..... . Rust and Mix A Lil Bit of olive oil cold by them for even more flavor ........ pressed green vegies and fruits are spectacularly rich in calcium and magnesium and vitamin C, and easier to digest than animal protein ..... In addition, milk and dairy products encourage increased production of mucus and sugar nastysludgeprocessed, which only serve to feed the bacteria multiply and become ........... Vitamin C is naturally found in fresh fruit and vegies also a very powerful natural antibiotic and antibacterial is .... make clusters of ice with fruits and cubes of fresh fruit with a toothpick in them .... this is fun and we'll take it like a duck to water.

give plenty of fresh clean filtered water to drink the semen.

Peace Baby

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