Monday, January 18, 2010

Floor Vents What Is More Efficient On A Central Heat System,, Ceiling Vents Or The Floor Vents?

What is more efficient on a central heat system,, ceiling vents or the floor vents? - floor vents

Hello and thank you in advance .. My mother and father live in a 3-bedroom house with 2 old boilers ground and wants to move to a central heating system with a ceiling installation for heating and ventilation ducts. I fear not heat the earth, so .. Do you have the ventilation of the roof and are happy with him?


Anonymous said...

From the word "cold" syndrome of view there is not much difference between the records of the roof and floor registers. The roof vents or openings, or less need to see the hot air toward the ceiling. The reason for this is that warm air rises, and records of the plant a tendency to move warm air to the surface of the roof.

Therefore, I propose that the choice of recording sites based on your cost of obtaining or opinions of two or three contractors for high voltage AC. Then his mom and dad made their own decisions based on professional opinions should differ. Cost is another factor to consider. Depending on the design of the house, which is one or the other is much more difficult and costly.

As the warm air more evenly across all levels of the installation of ceiling fans in every room, and during the heating period, insert the blade of the "way" that the colder air moves in reverse mixed with air, the largest increase, warm, and then through the roof The walls, whichwhich is then distributed through the walls and extending toward the middle of the room and then rises to the ceiling fan to begin the cycle.

This configuration provides the elimination of most of stratification "warm air from the ceiling and the air warmed by the walls in motion tends to reduce" the flow of cold air from the windows and exterior walls. Tend also to reduce the cost of heating oil had plenty of "overhead" to the surface enough to the region that the people at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

No, I have a system of roof ventilation, but my parents when I was young. Our house was built on a slab of concrete, apparently the father does not believe that the heat will be buried in the earth, that all our heat from above and installed near the ceiling fans. I always thought it was okay, but I can say that the floors were so cold that almost at the foot of freezing cold winters, I think I could, I would choose to assign the same grade. Heat rises, you know.

Anonymous said...

From the word "cold" syndrome of view there is not much difference between the records of the roof and floor registers. The roof vents or openings, or less need to see the hot air toward the ceiling. The reason for this is that warm air rises, and records of the plant a tendency to move warm air to the surface of the roof.

Therefore, I propose that the choice of recording sites based on your cost of obtaining or opinions of two or three contractors for high voltage AC. Then his mom and dad made their own decisions based on professional opinions should differ. Cost is another factor to consider. Depending on the design of the house, which is one or the other is much more difficult and costly.

As the warm air more evenly across all levels of the installation of ceiling fans in every room, and during the heating period, insert the blade of the "way" that the colder air moves in reverse mixed with air, the largest increase, warm, and then through the roof The walls, whichwhich is then distributed through the walls and extending toward the middle of the room and then rises to the ceiling fan to begin the cycle.

This configuration provides the elimination of most of stratification "warm air from the ceiling and the air warmed by the walls in motion tends to reduce" the flow of cold air from the windows and exterior walls. Tend also to reduce the cost of heating oil had plenty of "overhead" to the surface enough to the region that the people at the bottom.

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