Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fire Extinguisher Pictures Fire Extinguishers?

Fire extinguishers? - fire extinguisher pictures

Find me pictures of different colors fire extinguishers and say what it contains!


changyai... said...

Selection of fire extinguishers
Enter the type of materials in the field

Class A: Solids such as paper, wood, plastic, etc.
Class B: Flammable liquids such as paraffin, petrol, oil, etc.
Class C: flammable gases such as propane, butane, methane, etc.
Class D: Metals such as aluminum, magnesium, titanium, etc.
Class C: Fires with ELECTRIC
Category F: oil and cooking fat, etc.

Type of Extinguisher
Water fire extinguishers:
The cheapest and most widely used fire extinguishers. Used Class A fires Not suitable for Class B (liquids), fire, or in the case of electricity.

Foam fire extinguishers:
More expensive than water, but more versatile. Used for Classes A and B fires. Foam spray extinguishers are not recommended for electrical fires, but are safer than accidentally splashed water on energized electrical equipment.

Dry powder fire extinguishers:
Often called the "Multi-Purpose" threatened with extinction, which can be used in class A, B and C fires. Bestfor running liquid fires (Class B). Efficient gas burner delete class C, but beware, it can be dangerous to remove a gas fire, without first isolating the gas supply. Special powder for metal fires class D.

Caution: When using suitable outdoor dust obscure the view above, or damage to property and equipment. It is also very messy.

CO2 extinguishers:
Carbon dioxide is ideal for electrical fires, delete, and liquid class B fires, but not for fire protection and fire can be kindled.

Wet chemistry
Specialist class struggle against the fire-F

For Metal Fire: A fire extinguisher specialist for use in Class D fires - metal fires such as sodium, lithium, manganese and aluminum, while in the form of chips or chips.

Color Coding

Before 1 January 1997 is the code of practice for fire extinguishers in the United Kingdom BS 5423, the color coding of fire extinguishers as recommended by

Water - Red

Foam - Cream

Dry Powder - Blue

Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Black

Halon - Green (now 'illegal', with few exceptions, such as, for example) law enforcement, military and aircraft.

New fire extinguishers should be to BS EN 3, which requires the whole body of the red fire extinguisher. A color range up to 5% of the outer surface can be used to identify the contents of the old paint above code.

John A said...

Check fire extinguishers network.

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