Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cirrhosis Treatment More Condition_symptoms Primary Biliary Cirrhosis:best Treatment Options?

Primary biliary cirrhosis:best treatment options? - cirrhosis treatment more condition_symptoms

prognostic indicators


SUNSHINE said...

and treatment is the cause of liver cirrhosis addressed to prevent further damage to the liver. Adequate rest and nutrition are important as the restriction of alcohol. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be prescribed,,,, poor prognosis in cases of advanced liver cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis, the person must stop drinking. Hematemesis Jaundice and ascites are unfavorable signs. High blood pressure in the portal vein, called portal hypertension, is a frequent complication of liver cirrhosis. Therefore, the blood pressure rises in the spleen, so that extends the enlargement of the spleen or the spleen and liver blood through the production of ascites or esophageal varices, abnormal and twisted veins or arteries. Bleeding varices exophageal often requires emergency treatment. When cirrhosis is not cause liver failure and death

mistress... said...

There is no cure, but medications can slow the progression, so that a normal life expectancy and quality of life for many patients to achieve. However, a specific treatment for fatigue that is not disabling in some patients. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is one that helps to reduce cholestasis. To the itching by bile acids in circulation, which should normally be removed by the liver which can ease the burden caused cholestyramine (a bile acid chelating agents) to be required to absorb bile acids in the intestines and be eliminated, instead of re-entry into the bloodstream. As with all diseases of the liver, alcohol-cons are listed. In advanced cases, a liver transplant, if successful, the results of a favorable prognosis.

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